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[FAQ] How To: Upload Your Website

Answers on how to upload your website to our servers.

How do I upload my website onto the server?
Uploading your website with standard FTP software (Using WS-FTP)

Uploading your website with the FileZilla FTP client
Publish your website using Dreamweaver
Upload/Publish your website using Microsoft Frontpage 2000
Upload/Publish your website using Microsoft Frontpage 2003
Uploading your Apple iWeb website onto our servers?
Uploading your website on an Apple Mac computer using Transit FTP?
Uploading your website with MS Expression Web?
Upload your website using MS Publisher 2007?
Change your FTP login or password?
Where should I put my website files?
How do I add an 'Addon Website' in CPanel?
What are the limitations to using the addon domains function in CPanel?
Show hidden files in my FTP client?
Use Internet Explorer for FTPing?
CDN (Content Distribution Network) best practice
Setting File & Folder Permissions
Site Preview - changing your 'hosts' file
What is a User ID, or FTP User Name?
What is my FTP host name?

Why does my FTP software freeze when logging onto FTP?
My FTP Client won't connect to the server

FREE FTP Software Downloads



How do I upload my website onto the server?

The first thing you will probably want to do with your hosting account is begin uploading your site. There are many good ways to upload web pages, images, and other site files. We'll focus on the most popular tools here: FTP (file transfer protocol) software, and integrated upload utilities in programs like Frontpage. No matter which method you choose, you can upload and download files 24 hours a day, as often as you like.

Uploading files - Overview

However you choose to connect to your webhosting account, you will need the following pieces of information from the Account Information Email that we send you when you joined us:

Your Host Address....

Your User Name....... (case sensitive)

Your Password......... (case sensitive)

For the first few days, until your domain name is registered or transferred, you will be able to connect using the temporary host address that you would have received in the Account Information Email. Once it is registered or transferred, you can then change it back to

Detailed instructions for different software with screen shots can be sourced from the links above:

Directory Structure:

The directory structure of your hosting account is as follows:

|__ mail (Your email is stored here)
|__ tmp (Website statistics files stored here)
|__ public_html (Main Directory - Upload your website into this directory)
|__ www (Symbolic link to public_html)
|__ etc (Details for mail/password protect stored here)


Please Note: For some hosting accounts, they will only contain some of these directories. If your hosting account doesn't have the public_html directory, it will either have one called htdocs or one with your domain name(eg. You would therefore upload your website into either of these directories.

When you upload your site to the Internet, you will want to make sure that you name your home page index.htm, as this is how our system will recognize your page. Other default pages are actually feasible (index.htm, default.htm, index.phtml), but the default "Welcome" page that comes with every new account is named index.htm, and will not be replaced unless it is specifically deleted or overwritten by your own index.htm.

When you first FTP into your account, you'll be taken to your "Home" directory. Don't confuse this with your "web directory." The home directory is "not" accessible to the World Wide Web; it's a private directory where critical system files reside. The /public_html directory is where web accessible files are placed.

As soon as a file is uploaded to the web server, it is available for all to see. If, after uploading a file, you are still unable to see the updated file via your browser, try hitting the "Refresh" or "Reload" button. If this doesn't work, try pressing F5, or CTRL+F5.
Some browsers - particularly Netscape - have very tenacious "caches" - places where pages are temporarily stored on your computer. You may need to manually empty your browser cache to see a new or updated page on your site



Uploading your website with standard FTP software (Using WS-FTP)

This section explains how to setup FTP to upload your files from your computer to your website. We recommend using WS FTP Pro or WS FTP LE (free for non-profit organisations). We also have a list of alternative free FTP programs at the bottom of this page. Other FTP programs can be used and will follow similar steps as are shown below. We offer instructions specifically for configuring WS FTP below.

Important: If you are using any FTP Program, be sure you are uploading to the correct directory and that your home page is called index.htmlindex.htm or similar extension. Otherwise, you won't be able to view your website after you have uploaded it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are unable to view the extension .html in Windows Explorer, please go to TOOLS > FOLDER OPTIONS > Click the 'VIEW' Tab > and then UNTICK the 'Hide File Extensions for known File Types' box. You should then be able to view the extensions for all your web files. It is very important that you do this, otherwise when you rename your files they may appear in the following format index.html.htm, which won't display on the servers.

Login Information

The following information is contained within the 'Account Information Email' that we originally emailed you when your account was setup. You need this information to connect you to your website via FTP:

Your FTP Host Address: (replace with your actual domain name)
Please note that some FTP/Web Design programs need the FTP Host address in the following format

Your User Name: (case sensitive)
Your Password: 
(case sensitive)

For the first few days, until your domain name is registered or transferred, you will be able to connect using the temporary host address that was included in the Account Information Email. Once the domain is registered or transferred, and has propagated over to the server, you can then change it back to

Using WS_FTP

Each time you run WS_FTP, the Session Profile window will be displayed. A profile contains the information needed to connect to your website. Creating a profile now will eliminate the need for you to configure the software each time you wish to connect to the web server via FTP. To create a profile, click the "New" button and enter a generic profile name at the top of the Session Profile window, such as "My Website." Next, enter your Host Name/Address (, User ID (User Name), and Password for your website as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Next you need to click "OK" to continue. This will connect you to the webserver, where you will connect directly to the root ("home") directory of your account.

IMPORTANT. If at this stage, the Connection seems to "hang" or doesn't connect. Then please check to see if PASV mode is enabled in your FTP software. Sometimes this causes connection problems. To disable PASV mode in WS-FTP, click on the "Advanced" tab, in the session properties box, and untick the PassiveTransferscheckbox. Then try again. WS_FTP will display a split screen where files on the left-hand side are within your own computer. You will see several folders on the right-hand side.

The directory structure will be similar to that below (or as shown in your Account Information Email):

|__ mail (Your email is stored here)
|__ tmp (Website statistics files stored here)
|__ public_html (Main Directory - You MUST upload your website into this directory)
|__ www (Symbolic link to public_html)
|__ etc (Details for mail/password protect stored here)

Please Note: For some hosting accounts, they will only contain some of these directories. If your hosting account doesn't have the public_html directory, it will either have one called htdocs or one with your domain name(eg. You would therefore upload your website into either of these directories.

Double click on public_html to get to your web directory. This is where all your files will be accessed, and/or you will create subdirectories. In this folder you will see a file called 'index.htm'. You will need to replace this file with your own index.htm file, which when uploaded will become the homepage for your site.

To upload a file or files, simply highlight the file(s) on the left and click the right arrow button (->) in the center of the window. Be sure to upload HTML documents and scripts in ASCII mode and images in Binary mode, or click the Auto tickbox, and the software will do it automatically for you. To transfer a file to a subdirectory, double-click the appropriate subdirectory to open it before transferring the desired file(s). To create a new directory, click on the MkDir button when you are inside the public_htmldirectory or subdirectory.

Once you have uploaded your site, and replaced the index.htm with your own homepage, try accessing your site ( via your internet browser. If you can see a page that says, "Page Not Found" that means you have not uploaded your "index.htm" file correctly.

As soon as a file is uploaded to the web server, it is available for all to see. If, after uploading a file, you are still unable to see the updated file via your browser, try hitting the "Refresh" or "Reload" button. If that fails, you need to clear both disk and browser cache. This function can be found by selecting Options - Network Preferences in Netscape, and Tools - Internet Options in Internet Explorer. Remember that you must first be connected to the Internet through your local Internet service provider in order to connect to the web server.

HINT: If you're behind a firewall, router or sharing systems (NAT) make sure "Passive Mode" is enabled in WS_FTP! Not doing so will cause you trouble accessing your site via FTP!


All passwords, usernames, and file names are case sensitive. Example: if you typed FILENAME.GIF in your HTML document but named your file filename.gif it would not work. They must match up in order for your page to show up properly.

Any and all files you want to be accessed via a web browser must be placed in your public_htmldirectory.



Uploading your website with the FileZilla FTP client.

This guide gives you a short overview on how to use FileZilla. By default you don't have to configure FileZilla, so you can start directly working with the program. Filezilla is a free FTP program, which you can download for windows, unix and apple mac computers from

Using the Quick Connect bar

To connect to our FTP server, enter the address of the server into the host field of the Quickconnect bar, eg (replace, with your own domain name). Use the default port 21 . Enter your username & password into the corresponding fields. Click on Quickconnect or press Enter to connect to the server.

Please notice that the Quick Connect is for... quick connections - so there is no way to edit the quick connections list which stores the last 10 entries. To store FTP server names you should use the Site Manager, instead.

Quick Connect is good for testing the login info before making a site manager entry. Once you connect, you can choose File -> "Copy current connection to Site Manager..." to make a permanent entry. It is usually best to check your login info with Quick Connect before making a permanent entry.

Using Site Manager

You can use the FileZilla Site Manager to specify specific site parameters and connect to the targeted FTP site. The Site Manager allows you to store entries and configure more parameters than the Quick Connect allows.

Navigating on the server

After a successful connection attempt, a list of files and folders appears on the right side of the main window. This is the remote server, which is where you upload your website. The current folder you are in, is listed in the edit field on the top. Below this, you will see the remote directory tree and below that, the contents of the current remote folder. There are three ways to change the folder. First, you can double-click a folder in the file list. Second, you can change the current folder by clicking a folder in the directory tree. Last but not least, you can always enter the folder name into the edit field and press enter. You will notice a folder called ".." displayed in virtually all directories. This folder allows you to go up to the parent directory of the current folder.

To upload your website, you must upload your website files (including your websites homepage index.html) into the correct folder on the remote server. For cPanel web hosting plans, please upload into the public_html folder. For Corporate and Business Class Hosting clients, please upload into the folder called (where is your own domain name). For all other hosting plans, please upload into the folder called 'htdocs'

Navigating on your machine

Navigating on your machine works almost like navigating on the server. The current local folder and the local directory tree are displayed on the left side of the main window by default.

Transferring files - Uploading & Downloading your website.

You can upload or download a file by double-clicking on it. It will be added to the transfer queue and the transfer starts automatically. To transfer folders and/or multiple files, select them and right-click the selection. Then you can click on Upload/Download in the popup menu.

You can also drag the files from one side and drop them on the other side. To add files to the queue so that they will be transferred later, select them and click Add to Queue from the popup menu. You may also drag the files directly into the queue. Click on the Image:Process-queue-button.png button on the toolbar to start the transfer.

Or, you can click on a file, then drag the file (a box is added to the arrow cursor) to the folder where you want to move it. The folder will be highlighted when you are over it. Let go of the mouse button and the file will be moved to the folder.

To upload your website, you must upload your website files (including your websites homepage index.html) into the correct folder on the remote server. For cPanel web hosting plans, please upload into the public_html folder. For Corporate and Business Class Hosting clients, please upload into the folder called (where is your own domain name)

If you see a file already called index... inside this folder, please delete this, and replace it with your own index... file. This index... file will become your websites homepage. It is very important that it is named index eg. in the form of index.html, index.htm, index.php, etc, otherwise the server will not be able to identify it as being your homepage.

Full information on how to use FileZilla can be found at



Publish your website using Dreamweaver

Step 1: Select Manage Sites... from the Site menu.

Figure 1

Step 2a: If you have already set up a site within Dreamweaver, select it from the list of sites in the Manage Sites window, then click Edit....

Figure 2

Step 2b: If you have not already set up a site in Dreamweaver, click New..., then Site.

Figure 3

Step 3: Click the Advanced tab in the Site Definition for (SITENAME) window.

Figure 4

Step 4: Enter a name for the site in the Sitename field. Dreamweaver allows you to define multiple sites; each site should have a unique name for easy identification.

Step 5: Click the folder icon to change the Local root folder for the site. This is the folder that acts as the root of your site, and will generally be the folder in which you store all your HTML documents and images.

Step 6: Enter your site's URL (address) into HTTP Address field.

Figure 5

Step 7: Select Remote Info in the Category list, then select FTP from the Access menu.

Figure 6

Step 8: Enter the FTP Host (substitute the red text with your own websites domain name).
Please refer to the 'Account Information Settings' Email we initially sent you when you first set up your account, for the temporary FTP details, if your domain doesn't yet point to our servers. This is located under the FTP details of the email.

Step 9: Set the host directory to where your website is located on the server. For CPanel Control Panel users, the host directory will be public_html . For Corporate and Business Class hosting plans, the host directory will be your domain name, for example, if your domain is, enter the Host directory For all other hosting plans, the host directory will be htdocs .

Step 10: Enter your FTP username and password into the Login and Password fields, respectively.

Close the Site Definition for (SITENAME) window by clicking the OK button.

Figure 7

Step 11: The Files palette should be visible in the lower right corner of your screen. If it is not, you can bring it up by selecting Files from the Windows menu, or by pressing F8.

Select the site you wish to upload from the site menu in the Files palette; if you only have one site defined it will already be selected.

Step 12: Select the files you want to upload in the lower part of the Files palette, then click the blue up arrow to begin uploading.

Figure 8

Dreamweaver will attempt to connect to the FTP server, and display the Background File Activity - (SITENAME) dialogue, shown in Figure 8.

Figure 9

After connecting, the Background File Activity - (SITENAME) dialogue will update to give details of the files being copied (Figure 9).

Figure 10

Step 13: After Dreamweaver has finished uploading the specified files you can disconnect from the FTP server by clicking the plug icon in the Files palette.

Figure 11

In future, you can upload files by following steps 12 and 13



Upload/Publish your website using Microsoft Frontpage 2000

Microsoft Frontpage Extensions have reached their End Of Life (EOL) and are no longer supported. Please use FTP instead

The following section will guide you step-by-step through configuring Microsoft FrontPage® 2002 and earlier to exchange files between your computer and your web site. The steps shown here are for FP2002, however older versions work in the same manner.

In order to proceed, you'll need to have three things:

(1) Microsoft FrontPage® installed
(2) A connection to the Internet via your Internet service provider
(3) You will need to have installed FrontPage® extensions within the cPanel console.

WARNING: Do not try uploading your Frontpage website through another FTP program, otherwise you could damage the Frontpage

Create a Simple Page

Before you can publish an html file to your web site with FrontPage®, you must either have a page already created, or create a page. To create a page with
FrontPage®, follow these simple steps:

1. With FrontPage® open, choose File --> New .

2. Type in "FrontPage® test"

3. From the menu bar, choose File --> Save As.

4. Name the html file.

(If this file is to be your home page, be sure to name it index.html)

Once you have the file saved to your hard drive, you are ready to publish
the file.

Publish Your Web Page.

1. From the menu bar, choose File --> Publish Web.

 Screen Shot

You'll get a dialog box like this:

 Screen Shot

2. Click on the Options button

You will see a dialog box like this:

 Screen Shot

3. In the box below Specify the location to publish
your site to: 
enter the full URL for your site.

4. If this is the first time you are publishing your site, select Publish
all pages...

5. Select Include subwebs .

You should now have a dialog box that looks like this:

 Screen Shot

Be sure to use your real domain name instead of ''.

6. Click the Publish button.

You should now see a dialog box like this one:

 Screen Shot

7. Enter your username and password.

If you have entered all the details correctly, FrontPage® will then publish
your site. The amount of time it takes to upload your website will depend on
your overall connection speed along with the size of your website.

You will see a dialog box like this one when it has finished:

 Screen Shot

8. Click Done .

Microsoft Frontpage Extensions have reached their End Of Life (EOL)

During mid 2006 Microsoft announced that they discontinued the development of Microsoft FrontPage and server extensions, and will cease supporting it, due to it having reached the end of it's economical life.

Since 2006, we have continued to support FrontPage Extensions to clients, however as Microsoft no longer provides any security updates for the extensions, FrontPage extensions potentially could pose a security threat to the servers. Therefore we are announcing that FrontPage extensions on our Network have reached the end of their life as of 17/12/2008. Most hosting providers have already ceased supporting and providing FrontPage extensions, and we are one of the last to still provide them. The servers will continue to support FrontPage extensions for the time being, but Frontpage extensions could be withdrawn at any time in the future without further announcement, and we will no longer be offering any technical support for FrontPage extensions if you are having trouble with them. If you do use Microsoft FrontPage, you can instead upload your website without FrontPage extensions by using FTP, which will continue to be supported.



Upload/Publish your website using Microsoft Frontpage 2003

Microsoft Frontpage Extensions have reached their End Of Life (EOL) and are no longer supported. Please use FTP instead

Step 1: Click Remote Web Site at the bottom of the FrontPage window to view the remote web site section.

Figure 1

Step 2: Click Remote Web Site Properties... to set up a new remote web site.

Figure 2

Step 3: Make sure the FrontPage or SharePoint Services radio button is selected in the Remote Web Site Properties window.

Step 4: Enter the website to upload your site to in the Remote Web site location field in the Remote Web Site Properties window.

Step 5: Click the OK button in the Remote Web Site Properties window.

Figure 3

Step 6: Enter your username and password for the FrontPage site into the appropriate fields in the Connect to (sitename) dialogue.

Figure 4

Step 7: In the Folder List column on the left of the FrontPage window, right-click on the file or folder you wish to upload to the server, then select Publish Selected Files... from the contextual menu.

Figure 5

Step 8: The files will be uploaded to the server, and be accessible at http://yourservername/filename.

Step 9: To upload more files, just repeat Step 7.

Microsoft Frontpage Extensions have reached their End Of Life (EOL)

During mid 2006 Microsoft announced that they discontinued the development of Microsoft FrontPage and server extensions, and will cease supporting it, due to it having reached the end of it's economical life.

Since 2006, we have continued to support FrontPage Extensions to clients, however as Microsoft no longer provides any security updates for the extensions, FrontPage extensions potentially could pose a security threat to the servers. Therefore we are announcing that FrontPage extensions on our Network have reached the end of their life as of 17/12/2008. Most hosting providers have already ceased supporting and providing FrontPage extensions, and we are one of the last to still provide them. The servers will continue to support FrontPage extensions for the time being, but Frontpage extensions could be withdrawn at any time in the future without further announcement, and we will no longer be offering any technical support for FrontPage extensions if you are having trouble with them. If you do use Microsoft FrontPage, you can instead upload your website without FrontPage extensions by using FTP, which will continue to be supported.



Uploading your Apple iWeb website onto our servers?

This tutorial shows you how to upload your website that you have built in Apples iWeb software, onto our servers. iWeb is designed to work with apples .mac or MobileMe account, however you can still use it to upload to our servers. It may however lack some features (usually very minor features) that will only work when uploaded onto Apples own servers. Newer versions of iWeb software may have inbuilt FTP access, where you can enter in your FTP details directly, so you may not need to use these instructions below. However these instructions should also work with new versions. Please note that we don't provide any support for Apple iWeb software, so please contact Apple directly if you need support for your software.

STEP 1. Begin by 'publishing' your website to a local folder on your computer. When you’re done updating your webpages, click File -> Publish to a Folder…

STEP 2. Navigate to the folder on your computers hard drive you want to publish (save) your site in. Make sure to enter the URL for your website (eg in the space provided. Click Choose when you’re done.

STEP 3. After your site has been successfully published to a local folder on your computer, you’ll be prompted with a message telling you that it has been successfully. Click OK to proceed.

STEP 4. Next download and install the w2w software, which is what you use to upload your website. You can download this free at To install it, unzip the file and drag it to your Applications folder, andlaunch it from there.

STEP 5. Click the + (plus) button.

STEP 6. Enter the appropriate info for your web server, which will be in the account information email we sent you. eg. your 'remote server' will start with 'ftp.' and will look similar to . Click the Browse button and navigate to the local folder you previously published your website in. You will also need to enter the name of the remote server folder, in the 'Remote folder' field. For cPanel Plans, this will be public_html . For add on domains in CPanel, you should be able to leave this field blank, if you have also created a new FTP account for that addon domain. Otherwise you will need to use the new folder you have created, and use your primary FTP account login. For Corporate and Business Class hosting plan users, the folder will be your domain name (eg.

STEP 7. Once you’ve filled in the required fields, click the Upload button.

STEP 8. What makes w2w very useful, is that it will only upload files that have changed (or new files). This saves time, because you won’t need to upload every file just to make sure the new/updated ones are sent.

STEP 9. The next time you update your site using iWeb, just re-publish to your local folder, then launch w2w and click the Upload button . All the previous details you entered should have been saved by w2w, so you won't need to re-enter it.



Another untested method of uploading your website onto our servers, and one that we don't provide any support for, is to use the new webdisk feature found inside the cPanel. Please note that we don't provide any support for the following method, as it is using third party systems. Please consult with your software vendor, or do a google search if you need additional information.

First make sure that port 2078 is open in any firewall that you may have operational.

Then log into cPanel, and navigate to the Webdisk section, to create a webdisk account for yourself.

Then in the Finder (this is for OS X 10.4.+) go to Connect to Server (under the Go menu)

enter: (note the s after http ).

Click Continue on the security certificate question. Enter your recently created webdisk username and password in the Kereberos login pane (check "remember password etc." so that you don't have to do this again) and in a few moments you get an iDisk-like server icon on your desktop with which you can now work using all the usual Finder techniques.

That is it. (You can also download from cPanel webdisk area a little application that does all of this, but it asks two more "do you want to do this?" questions).

Make an alias to the webdisk on your desktop and thereafter, just open this alias to initiate the secure connection to the cPanel server.

Now you can connect to your webdisk before an iweb session and when it comes time to publish to a folder, you can publish straight through to the webdisk (Trying to publish into a folder ON the webdisk, caused iWeb to crash).

Please note that we don't provide any support for this method, as it is using third party systems. Please consult with your software vendor, or do a google search if you can't get this to work, and need additional information.



Uploading your website on an Apple Mac computer using Transit FTP?

This document details how to upload your web site to the servers using Transmit. This document is written for users of Transmit on Apple Mac OS X.
Precursory actions: Before following these instructions you should be connected to the internet, and Transmit should be open and the frontmost application.

You can download a copy of Transite at


Step 1: Enter your FTP details as below.

Your FTP Host Server Address: (replace with your actual domain name)
Your FTP User Name: (case sensitive)
Your FTP Password: (case sensitive)

Note for Corporate and Business Class Hosting clients: If you are uploading files for a Linux site, the FTP address is, if you are uploading files for a Windows site the FTP address is

Figure 1

Step 2: Select Add to Favorites... from the Favorites menu, this will allow you to save the connection details so they do not have to be entered every time you use the program.

Figure 2

Step 3: Check that the settings are correct in the panel that appears, then click OK.

Figure 3

Step 4: To connect to the server, select its name from Favorites in the Favorites menu.

Figure 4

Step 5: After Transmit connects, you can upload files to the FTP server by dragging them from the left pane (your stuff) to the right pane (their stuff>).

When you first FTP into your account, you'll be taken to your "Home" directory. Don't confuse this with your "web directory." The home directory is "not" accessible to the World Wide Web; it's a private directory where critical system files reside. Please Note: If your hosting account is a cPanel account, you must upload your website into the /public_html folder, which is your 'website directory', and is publicly viewable over the internet. If your hosting account doesn't have the public_html directory, it will either have one called htdocs or one with your domain name(eg. You would therefore upload your website into either of those directories.

When you upload your site to the Internet, you will want to make sure that you name your home page index.htm (or similar extension such as .php or .asp), as this is how our system will recognize your homepage page. Other default pages are actually feasible (index.htm, default.htm, index.shtml), but the default "Welcome" page that comes with every new account is named index.htm, and will not be replaced unless it is specifically deleted or overwritten by your own index.htm.

Figure 5

Step 6: To upload more files, repeat Step 5. When you have finished uploading files, just Quit transmit.

The next time you use Transmit the server settings will be saved, so you can upload more files by following Steps 4 and 5. Quick Search



Uploading your website with MS Expression Web?

1. Launch MS Expression Web.

2. Open the site you have already designed and wish to publish.

3. Click on File and select Publish Site...

The Remote Web Site Properties window will open. You have to input the following settings:
Select FTP as Remote Web server type.
Enter your hosted domain name after ftp:// in the Remote Web site location text field. eg.
Enter your hosted domain name eg. (for Corporate and Business Class Web Hosting Plans) or public_html (for CPanel based web hosting plans) in the FTP directory text field.

4. Click OK.

5. A popup login box should now appear. Now, you have to enter your main FTP username and FTP password. Click OK.

6.In the Remote Web Site view, under Publish all changed pages, select Local to remote. Finally, click the Publish Web site button.



Upload your website using MS Publisher 2007?

You should be able to use the MS Publisher to upload your website files to our servers without any additional software required.

This guide is for MS Publisher 2007. These instructions assume your website files are already created and saved as .htm or .html.

Important: The default extension that MS Publisher works with is .pub. Make sure you save your website files as .htm or .html and not .pub.

Below are instructions for publishing a website with MS Publisher 2007.

1. Launch MS Publisher 2007.

2. Select the File menu. Click Open.

3. Open your publication.

4. Select the File Menu. Click Publish To Web.

5. In the File Name, write "index" (without the quotations). In the Save as Type choose "Web Page, Filtered" which will save it as a .HTM or .HTML document.

6. In the Location dialog box type in the following, , replacing "" with your domain name, and "username" with your username: , and press ENTER on your keyboard.
*If you are unable to do this, please skip steps 5-8 and read the note below.

7. Uncheck Log on Anonymously. Enter your FTP username and FTP password (you can find this in the account information email we sent you) in the respective fields. Click Log on or press Enter.

8. Once connected to the server, you should see all your online folders. Choose the appropriate directory for your files. For cPanel Based Plans, this will be the public_html directory. For Corporate and Business Class hosting plans, this will be the directory. Double Click on the folder to open it.

9. Once you have the appropriate location opened, click Save to upload your files to the site.

*Note: If you are unable to publish to the ftp site directly with publisher, your best option remains to use any FTP client software to upload the files you have created. This is how:

1. Follow the Above Steps 1-5.
2. Instead of publishing to a remote FTP location, choose a location on your computer to save the files. Make sure it is a place you can find, such as My Documents or Desktop. This will save 2 objects, a file called index.htm, and a folder called index_files (which contains your images and additional pages).
3. Close MS Publisher, and connect to your server using an FTP Client. If you do not have an FTP client, we recommend downloading and installing a free ftp client such as Filezilla Client.
4. Once connected to the server, you should see all your online folders. Choose the appropriate directory for your files. For cPanel Based Plans, this will be the public_html directory. For Corporate and Business Class hosting plans, this will be the directory.
5. Upload your index.htm files and your index_files folder into this directory.



Change your FTP login or password?

You can change your FTP password, but not your login.
A new password can be generated within your Control Panel.



Where should I put my website files?

cPanel Hosting Account Users:

The files go in the public_html directory. If there is an index.html file (or similar), replace this file with your own homepage.

Corporate and Business Class Hosting Account Users:

The files go in the folder called If there is an index.html file (or similar), replace this file with your own homepage.

For all other hosting Accounts:

The files go in the folder called htdocs. If there is an index.html file (or similar), replace this file with your own homepage.



How do I add an 'Addon Website' in CPanel?

If you are on our CPanel plans which also support Addon Domains/Websites as a feature of your plan, you are able to setup additional websites inside your hosting accounts control panel.

To add a new 'Addon Website' you log into your hosting control panel 'CPanel' , and navigate to the 'Addon Domains' section, and fill in the details. Please note that before adding an 'Addon Domain', your domains DNS / Nameservers must already be pointing to the server, and the domain must already be registered. This is a standard security feature, to prevent abuse of our servers, and shows that you own the domain. You will be able to find the domains nameservers in the account information PDF we sent you when the hosting account was initially setup. When changing your domains DNS / Nameservers, please make sure you only use the nameserver addresses, and do not enter in the IP's. Instead leave the IP's completely blank.

If we are your Domain Provider, you can make the DNS change from inside your Domain Manager control panel at If it is registered elsewhere, you will need to contact your domain provider to make the change. If you would like to transfer your domain/s to our NZ Domain Manager system, which should make things easier, all you need to do is provide us with your domains UDAI code which your domain provider will provide you with. Through our Domain Manager at, you can also register new domains, and if you need help, we can make the changes for you.

If you are not yet ready to change your domains nameservers permentally, you can temporarily change the nameservers prior to adding the addon domain in CPanel, and after it has successfully been added, you can then immediately change the DNS settings back to what they were previously, until you are ready to change the DNS settings permanently. If you are doing this, please be sure that you make a note of your old DNS settings, so you know what to switch them back to. You can do the same thing if you are only wanting to point the website hosting component of your domain to our servers, and then switch it back, and then alter your domain zone file template to point the websites A Record to the IP address of our server.

To find the IP address of the Website hosting component of the server, inside CPanel you need to click the 'Advanced DNS Zone Editor', and navigate to the 'Zone File Records' section. Then look for the domain name entry that only contains your domain name without anything in front of it, e.g. This will usually be the first entry. The IP address you need to use will be under the 'Record' entry.



What are the limitations to using the addon domains function in CPanel?

This article applies only to CPanel hosting plans that are 'Multiple Website' plans.

The addon domains/websites functionality in CPanel, is designed for situations where only a simple additional website/s is required. Add-on domains do lack some of the functionality of the primary domain name for an account. Some of these limitations include the following:

-There is no separate CPanel login for the add-on domains.
All resources, such as POP email mailboxes, bandwidth/traffic, and disk space are shared with the primary account.

-URLs must be constructed completely. E.g. would need to be written as to work

-You are not able to create sub domains for add-on domains.

- Addon websites that are not compatible with Microsoft Frontpage Extensions, our online website builders inside cPanel, or software that you autoinstall inside 'Fantasico' within cPanel.

There may also be other limitations, depending on how you intend to use your addon websites. Please email us if you have any questions, or requirements that you are unsure of.

If any of these limitations are going to effect you, you will instead need to sign up to a dedicated single web hosting plan.



Show hidden files in my FTP client?

To configure your FTP client to show hidden files depends on your ftp client. Instructions for some FTP clients can be found below. If your FTP software doesn't appear below, please consult the instructions of your FTP client or contact your FTP cleint provider.

Step 1: Go to Sitemanager.
Step 2: Choose the connection and click edit.
Step 3: Make sure filters is checked.
Step 4: Press the filter button towards the bottom.
Step 5: Check [Enable remote filters (Server applied filter)]
Step 6: In the box below add -al
Step 7: Hit apply, now log in with that connection.

Right click on the connection before logging on, select "properties", then select the "startup" tab. On this screen you shall see a box that says "Remote file mask". In this box place "-al", then log in.

In Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver won't display hidden files in Site View. You can either use another FTP program or you can use your filemanager.

Step 1: Open the Preferences.
Step 2: Click on the 'Misc' tab
Step 3: Click on the 'Obscure Options' popup menu.
Step 4: Check the 'Send LIST -al to UNIX servers'

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select the 'web' folder
Step 3: Select Preferences from the tools menu.
Step 4: Tick the 'File Display' -' Do you want to show hidden files?' checkbox (NB: The directory will refresh showing the hidden files.)
Step 5: You can then delete / copy / move the file using the Commands menu.

Step 1: Open the Preferences.
Step 2: Click on 'Files' in the Toolbar.
Step 3: Check the box that says 'Show all Hidden Files."

FTP Voyager
Step 1: Select a profile in the FTP Site Profile Manager.
Step 2: Click on the 'Advanced' button.
Step 3: Select the category 'Connection'.
Step 4: Enter "-la" in the Extra LIST Parameter.

Step 1: Run Leech FTP
Step 2: Select "File", "Options"
Step 3: Select "Transfers" tab
Step 4: In the "List Command" box enter "LIST-a" (no quotes)
Step 5: Click "Accept"
Step 6: Log in and view directory, all is well.



Use Internet Explorer for FTPing?

1) Open up a new Internet Explorer Browser Window.

2) In the Address Bar "Address" please type the following replacing "" with your domain name, and "username" with your username:

3) Enter your password when requested, and then press enter.

4) Double Click the folder "public_html" (or similar)

5) Now go copy your files that you want put into your webspace (right click and select copy) and paste them (right click and select paste) inside the window you have opened. Please remember your main file needs to be called either index.htm OR index.html

Please note that we don't recommend using Internet Explorer to upload your website with, and you should use a FTP program. Also newer versions of windows may not support FTPing through internet explorer



CDN (Content Distribution Network) best practice

CDN's are an excellent way to serve static content to both nationally based and international site visitors.

They work by taking the static content (Images, CSS, flat HTML) and caching them to our expansive CDN network of servers. When a visitor accesses your site, say from Australia, the initial request is sent to the CDN, where it serves back the static content and polls your server for any updated or new content (such as a news feed). This has the major benefit from reducing page load times from international visitors as we have CDN POP's (Points of presence) in NZ, AU, UK and USA.

Our CDN also helps reduce costly international bandwidth charges when serving traffic to foreign visitors by caching the larger images directly, reducing the traffic used by your server.

The main consideration before deciding a CDN is right for your site is to check if your site is using an SSL certificate. We cannot preserve the integrity of the SSL over the CDN (due to it having a different IP address from your site). This can be mitigated by ensuring the secure area of your site is served on a subdomain e.g. as opposed to This is the perferred method of using the CDN on a site with an SSL.

You could also serve your static contend from a subdomain (as is common on the internet) for instance, all your photos, icons and other images could be served from

Image reference without CDN

Image reference with CDN



Setting File & Folder Permissions

This page explains how to set file permissions for the three most common type of web files: pages, scripts and data/config files. If you're new to scripting, or getting the dreaded "Internal Server Error" when you try to run a sample script you've downloaded, start here.The UNIX security model allows you to set different levels of access to a file for different groups of people. This allows you to let the web server modify a file via a CGI script, for instance, while preventing other users from having normal access to the file. There are three groups in terms of file access, and three different permission types they can receive.

The groups are:

  • User/Owner - the "user" group consists only of the owner of the file (your account, in most cases)
  • Group - the "group" group consists of the other users on the server -- you can usually remove their permissions entirely if you think it necessary
  • Other/World - the "other" group consists of everyone else -- most imporantly, the web server falls into the "other" category

The potential permissions are:

  • Read - the read permission allows a user or program the ability to read the data in a file
  • Write - the write permission allows a user or program the ability to write new data into a file, and to remove data from it
  • Execute - the execute permission allows a user or program the ability to execute a file, if it is a program or script.

To keep things simple, let's make the following assumptions:

  • pages should be readable/writable by the owner and readable by the web visitor.
  • scripts should be readable/writable/executable by the owner and readable/executable by the web visitor.
  • data-config files should be readable/writable by the owner and readable/writable by the web visitor.
And also, lets use the following abbreviations:
  • --- (or 0) = no permission
  • r-- (or 4) = read-only permission
  • rw- (or 6) = read/write permission
  • r-x (or 5) = read/execute permission
  • rwx (or 7) = read/write/execute permission
Sometimes you'll see these numbers referenced for a script. For instance, "chmod your script to "755" or "777".That means "set file permissions to "Read-Write-Execute/Read-Execute/Read-Execute". "755" is in fact the most common setting for CGI/Perl scripts - if your script does not work or you get an "Internal Server Error" when you run it try thisfirst.

To change file permissions using your FTP software:

1. Download an FTP software like File ZillaCuteFTP or WS_FTP.

2. Log into your account and go to the directory where the files are located.

3. Highlight the file or directory that you want to change permission.

4. Locate the "file permission" or "chmod" command on your FTP software software (you may need to refer to the manual or help file)

There should be three groups. Each group should have either checkboxes or a selection for the permission type.

1. set pages to rw- for the owner, no permission for the group, and r--for other

2. set scripts to rwx for the owner, no permission for the group, and r-x for other

3. set data/config files to rw- for the owner, no permission for the group, and rw- for other



Site Preview - changing your 'hosts' file

To preview a website on another server you will need to add the following line to the hosts file on your computer (replace with your domain name):

The IP you need to use depends on what server you are on. For our most common plans, these are the settings below.

Business Plan / Corporate Plan

To view the IP settings you need, click here.

CPanel Servers

Please use the same format above. However the IP address (eg the long number with the dots in it) will be different. You can find out what the IP number of your website is, by following these steps:

(1) Log into your CPanel
(2) Navigate to the 'Domains' section, and click the 'Advanced DNS Zone Editor'
(3) Navigate to the 'Zone File Records' section. Then look for the domain name entry that only contains your domain name without anything in front of it, eg This will usually be the first entry. The IP address you need to use will be under the 'Record' entry.

Setting up the Hosts File

This is accomplished in Windows by adding the line to the file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, using notepad. If you are running Windows Vista or later you will need to ensure you run notepad as administrator. In Linux and Mac OS X the file is /etc/hosts.

You can now test the website by browsing to with your browser. Please note that you might have to re-start your browser first to make it realize that the IP has changed.

Once your testing is completed, you can revert those changes back (by removing the entries of the hosts file).



What is a User ID, or FTP User Name?

These are other names for your login, or username. These would have been supplied in the Account Settings email that we sent you when you joined loungenetwork. You can also get these details inside CPanel under teh FTP section.



What is my FTP host name?

If your domain has been transferred to the Lounge Networkservers, you can also use your domain name as your FTP host name, eg If it hasn't, you can use your IP address as your hostname, which would have been sent to you in your 'Account Settings' emails



Why does my FTP software freeze when logging onto FTP?

What you will need to do is switch off the 'passive transfer mode' or PASV. Passive Transfer is necessary for some firewall and gateway configurations and when you get failed data channel errors. To use our servers this will need to be disabled.

To disable PASV mode in CuteFTP, on the menu bar, click on "Edit", "Settings", "Connection", "Firewall" .. and untick the PASV mode checkbox. .. then try again. It all should then work.



My FTP Client won't connect to the server

There could be a range of possibilities as to why you are unable to login using your FTP client. Below are the most common reasons. Before you contact us, please try or check the following, as this will save a lot of time.

- First check you are using the correct FTP address (eg or similar), and are connecting to port 21. Also make sure you have got 'Passive' transfer switched off. You should also check your FTP username and password are correct. Your FTP program log can provide you details of the connection problem, which you can send us. This will usually tell you the reason for the connection issue.

- Next check that your firewall or Internet Security Software is not blocking access to the port that FTP uses. This will usually be port 21. Try temporarily disabling your firewall to test if you can login with it disabled. Your firewall may either be software on your computer, or it may be a separate piece of hardware that exists between your computer and your phone point. Some firewall's are integrated into your modem or router.

- If your computer is on a network, or is connected to other computers in an office environment, check that you have access privileges to connect to FTP and port 21.

- Check that your ISP (Internet Service Provider, the company you connect to the internet with) isn't having issues which is preventing you connecting to the control panel.

- Try accessing FTP using a different computer.

- Try accessing FTP on a different computer connected to a different ISP, or get a friend to test the connection on their computer in a different location.

There are several FTP test websites that allow you to test whether the connection problem is at your end, or a problem with the server. Just Google 'Test your FTP server' to find such websites. Please be careful with entering your FTP details into any unknown website, that they are a legitimate website.



FREE FTP Software Downloads

